Gideon Contracting was awarded this task order on the Multiple Task Order Contract (MATOC) in support of the US Army Reserve 63rd RSC, Region One (CA, NV and AZ). Task Order 0004, the Repair and Renovation of Building 274, provided a complete and usable building of offices and classrooms when completed. The work includes interior demolition and abatement; installation of new walls, drywall, insulation, windows and doors, ADA compliant bathroom fixtures, countertops, electrical, HVAC, ductwork, ceilings, fire alarm system, lighting; finishes include texture and paint, carpet, and VCT. Men’s and women’s bathroom receiving compete refurbish including new tile, ventilation, and lighting. All new lighting to be installed throughout the building.


Mission Installation Contracting Command, Fort Sam Houston


Joint Forces Training Base, Los Almitos, California

This project was a task order under the Sheppard AFB MACC contract. B4475 was a Sanctuary and this project converted it into an administration and classroom building. The work consisted of abating asbestos, the complete demolition of the 2-story sanctuary including all of the associated mechanical, electrical, roofing, walls, foundations and sidewalks and utilities. Renovation and construction included the build out of the education wing including new structural, architectural, mechanical, electrical and site improvements.


Sheppard AFB 402nd Contracting Squadron


Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls

This project provided renovations to an existing office facility and expanded a new additional 3,651 SF dive locker facility as well as an additional 4,261 Paraloft area, fitness area, parking lot, and a 75 foot parachute drying tower. Because the project was occupied during the renovation, we faced several elements that to most contractors are logistically challenging. We worked closely with the COR and the building’s occupants to coordinate all activities. We isolated the lay down areas and monitored to ensure safety for the high civilian pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas. Gideon received Above Average CCASS ratings for this project.


NAVFAC Southeast


Marine Reserve Center, Fort Sam Houston

This LEED Bronze project consists of the construction of a new 15,000 SF classroom and laboratory facility including a reinforced matt foundation, concrete footings, pre-engineered metal building, masonry walls, equipment and communication rooms, fire protection systems, utilities, sitework and parking. In addition, the construction of the compound includes a 2 acre site with 50 conex boxes made into buildings, including a mock hospital and police station with bomb holes that we welded in, roads, vehicles, a downed helicopter, and other urban terrain features designed to replicate a Middle Eastern environment.


US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District


Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio